Orange Slice
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BTI360 HQ’s @ 3:30 p.m.
3:45 – Search Concepts & Tools with Steve
In today’s digital world people are inundated with lots of data, sometimes too much data. As software engineers our challenge is to build products which can provide a deeper understanding of information so that people can make informed decisions.
This talk will provide basic search concepts and an overview of the most popular open source search library, Apache Lucene. Lucene provides functionality and data structures to retrieve consumable information to users quickly.
The talk will conclude with briefly discussing competing distributed search platforms that expose Lucene functionality in their own unique way.
4:30 – 5:30 – Hone Your Craft with Steve
Stick around and practice coding with Search Technologies!
Get to know Steve
Steve is passionate about continually developing and refining the software techniques, solutions, and capabilities he keeps in his toolbox.
He is an active Apache Solr contributor and an open source enthusiast – lending a hand to communities that have graciously given thousands of developers a starting point for building their own unique solutions.
Steve graduated with a MS in Software Engineering at George Mason University and a BS in Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. His current work involves delivering a large-scale distributed enterprise search engine built on top of Solr Cloud.