Meet the 2024 Interns

Haywood / May 29, 2024 in 

This summer we have the privilege of welcoming 6 interns onto our BTI360 team. We are excited to watch them grow throughout the coming months. As they work their way through seminars, practical exercises, and team-building experiences, they will obtain the experience necessary to complete their main project—developing a knowledge graph.

Join us as we get to know them a little better!



University of Virginia

What made you choose BTI360? Everybody I talked to was incredibly kind and the company’s culture made BTI360 a place I saw myself at. The internship program also seemed very organized and thought-out which I was happy with.

What is your favorite project that you have ever worked on? Some friends and I made a Ring-esque doorbell camera, targeted towards cognitively impaired individuals, that used facial recognition to alert users if the person at the door was known or a stranger.

If all the food in the world were a codebase, which line would you delete? Enchiladas, not a fan…

What is a hobby that you would love to pick up if you had infinite time and resources? Being a travel or restaurant critic.



Liberty University

What made you choose BTI360? The opportunity for PM/Scrum Master and the focus on volunteer work

What is your favorite productivity hack or tool? I have a journal that is designated as my scratch notebook so I don’t get overwhelmed with trying to remember things and I then work from that.

What is a hobby that you would love to pick up if you had infinite time and resources? I would likely pick up singing… it might sound odd but I would love to try opera or Celtic music.

How do you keep yourself focused while coding? Do not disturb + noise canceling headphones + movie soundtracks paired with ambient rain = best focus



University of Alabama

What are you most looking forward to learning about this summer? I would say the frontend development side of things, like User Interface and User Experience. Making things pretty and responsive seems rewarding.

What is your favorite project that you have ever worked on? I made a little version of chess that runs in the terminal. I coded it up in a few days, and it was fun to get sucked into the project for a little while.

If all the food in the world were a codebase, which line would you delete? Probably the hottest pepper in the world (Pepper X at this point I believe). It’s a testament to the hubris of man.

How do you keep yourself focused while coding? Taking breaks can help a lot. I make sure to stay hydrated, and I’ll often use getting more water as an excuse for a break.



University of Virginia

What are you most looking forward to learning about this summer? I am looking forward to learning more about backend development.

What is your favorite project that you have ever worked on? I made a web app for rating water fountains at UVA. I enjoyed it because it had an applicable use in my own life.

If all the food in the world were a codebase, which line would you delete? Zucchini for sure. They are just cucumbers but worse in every single way.

What is a hobby that you would love to pick up if you had infinite time and resources? Woodworking is something that I’ve done a little bit of in the past and I would like to pick up.



University of Virginia

What made you choose BTI360? What stood out to me about BTI360 was just how much people seemed to care about each other. It was unlike anything I’d seen in a company before, and I wanted to be a part of that environment.

What is your favorite productivity hack or tool? Recently, a friend recommended Notion to me and its been great for organizing notes and keeping track of different goals.

If all the food in the world were a codebase, which line would you delete I would permanently delete the Olive property on all Pizza objects.

What is a hobby that you would love to pick up if you had infinite time and resources? Cooking. But specifically, the Gordon Ramsay level of cooking with only the highest quality of ingredients, sharpest knives, and the ability to shout at vegetables until they taste better.



University of Virginia

What made you choose BTI360? I chose BTI360 because I could see from even my first interview that this was a people-first company. I appreciated how teammates are always looking for new opportunities to grow.

What are you most looking forward to learning about this summer? I’m most looking forward to learning new technologies and getting to know my teammates!

If all the food in the world were a codebase, which line would you delete? Bitter melon – tastes terrible

What is a hobby that you would love to pick up if you had infinite time and resources? Sailing


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